
Team 1: Action

Adrienne Fanjoy


Hey 1Ls!!
I’m Adrienne, and I loved my Queen’s undergrad (English Lit) so much I had to stick around for another three years. I grew up in Winnipeg and Ottawa, but have been living in Kingston full time (including summers) since 2013. Hit me up if you love eating – I have VERY strong opinions on Kingston’s best Thai (Royal Angkor), best burritos (El Asador), and best happy hours (Chez Piggy and Lone Star).
The best non-food related advice I can give you for 1L is to not compare yourself to other people and to take time for yourself. The QL community is really supportive –  reach out to all your different resources (including your orientation leaders, upper year buddies, tutors, and teachers!) and you’ll kill it.
Can’t wait to meet you all!!

Liam Sako


Hey Law ’20, who wants to buy my textbooks from last year? On another note, my name is Liam Sako and I’m very excited to be a leader for your orientation week! 

I graduated in 2015 from Queen’s in mechanical engineering. If you’re new to Kingston, hit me with any questions about K-Town and campus. Hopefully after 5 years here I’ll have some answers for you. 

During my orientation, I met great people and my leaders were a very helpful resource while settling into law school. Similarly, I hope to be a valuable resource as you begin 1L. 

Enjoy the rest of your summers and I look forward to meeting you all in September!

Team 2: Adventure

Anu Lalith Kumar

Anu Bio Pic

Hello 1Ls! My name is Anu and I am so excited to be one of your orientation leaders this year! I grew up in Oakville and went to Western (yupp I’m a traitor) for my undergrad. I’m currently enrolled in the dual JD/MA Economics program and would be happy to answer any dual-degree (or other) questions you may have.

Orientation week was definitely one of the highlights of my 1L year and I can guarantee it will be the same for you! My words of advice for you is to get involved and explore. Both QLaw and the Kingston community have SO much to offer.

You will have a lot going on this year so you need to make sure to take time for yourself. I personally am an avid attendee of all QLaw events that offer free food (there’s a lot!), and can give you expert advice on the tastiest sandwiches and treats served. I have also sought out the best hot yoga deals, coffee shops and dinner spots princess street has to offer.

So if you ever need a buddy to yoga with, study with, eat with or chat with, holla at me!

Zac Dubeau


Hi Class of 2020! Congratulations on getting into law school. I hope you’re super stoked about starting at Queen’s in the fall, I guarantee you will not regret choosing QL. Law school is a lot of hard work, but I promise you will be more than fairly compensated with a great education, incredible friendships, and memories that will last you a lifetime. Myself and the rest of Lawscars crew are really excited to make sure you have the same fantastic start to your law school journey that we did. My name is Zac Dubeau and I was born and raised in North Bay, Ontario. I did my undergrad and master’s degree in History at Nipissing University (Yes, it is an accredited institution. Give it a google). Like James and Jordan, I am currently at the Castle studying International Business Law. My number one piece of advice to make the most of your time at QL is to not seclude yourself. Join clubs, make friends, talk to your profs, reach out to upper years, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Help will always be given at QL to those who deserve it (bonus points if you get the reference). Don’t hesitate to stop me at any point during the year to talk about what outlines/case briefs are, what life is like in Kingston, why Frodo didn’t just get the eagles to fly him to Mordor, how amazing being from Northern Ontario is, or literally anything that’s on your mind. Can’t wait to see you all on the red carpet in September!

Team 3: Comedy

Alyssa Girardi


Hey Class of 2020! My name is Alyssa Girardi and I am from Woodbridge, Ontario (aka the Canadian motherland for Italians). I completed my undergrad at Western University in Criminology and then made the most rivalrous, but also the best, decision to attend Queen’s for law school!

1L was hands down one of the best years of my life. QL is bursting with energy, outgoing personalities and more fun than you ever thought law school could be. I wanted to be an orientation leader because I want to make the transition into 1L as easy as possible and ensure that everyone has a blast getting to know Kingston and the QL family. It is important to remember that we were all in your shoes exactly one year ago – we know how stressful first year is, but we are here for you! Upper years will become your best mentors, your fellow classmates will become your best friends and Queen’s Law will become your new home away from home. Welcome to Queen’s Law, Class of 2020!

Clifton Yiu

Clifton Yiu's Ugly Mug

Hello incoming class of 2020! I am Clifton Yiu and I am super excited to be one of your orientation leaders this year!

I was born and raised in Toronto (Richmond Hill, to be specific). I graduated from York University in 2013 with a double major in Sociology and Human Rights and Equity Studies. Prior to joining law school, I got a diploma in paralegal studies, got licensed, and worked in an employment law boutique firm for a year and a half.

1L is honestly a blast. There will be ups and downs during the 1L wild ride, and I hope that we orientation leaders can make the beginning of your new chapter in life as fun and memorable as it was for me!

Team 4: Fantasy

Shira Levine


Hi 1Ls!! I’m so excited to be a part of your orientation experience and I can’t wait to welcome you all to QL! My name is Shira Levine and I’m from Thornhill, Ontario. I did my undergrad degree in Criminal Justice and Public Policy at the University of Guelph, so if you went to Guelph and are missing Bullring food as much as I am come chat with me about it! I really enjoy rock climbing and high ropes courses, and I’m hoping to expand my extreme activities list to include skydiving in the next few weeks. I was raised on classic rock and Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one of my greatest role models (so if anyone out there also finds themselves asking, “What would Ruth do?” then we’ll get along great).

I can’t wait to welcome you all to the QL family! If I can give you one piece of advice it would be to get involved in things you are really interested in. There are enough clubs, volunteer opportunities, events, and more to get involved in, so make sure you find something you’re passionate about and do what you love!

See you all soon!

Adam Fishman


Wass guud 1Ls… Welcome to the Queens Law fam!!! My name is Adam Fishman, but most people call me Fish. I’m from Thornhill, Ontario, just North of the 6. I did my undergrad at Western in business before traitorously upgrading to Queen’s Law. I’m glad you guys decided to sign yourself up for three more years of lectures, cramming and abnormal sleeping patterns to pursue a legal education at the best and most fun law school in the country.

From the first day of orientation it will be apparent that Queen’s embodies a community oriented atmosphere, a place where we are collaborative rather than combative. Queens will offer you an array of opportunities to explore the legal field, grow as an individual and pursue your career ambitions. I’m currently writing to you from the Herstmonceux Castle where you can ‘study’ international law during your 1L summer; but actually just travel around Europe with the amazing friends you’ll make during 1L.

I am excited to be a part of your orientation experience and can’t wait to meet you all! We are going to have a blast!

Til we meet… Stay classy my friends

– Fish

PS: my photo of me at the Cabaret event last year… A night you will all learn about and better be a part of!

Team 5: Historical

Sarah Benedict


Hi New 1Ls!

My name is Sarah (though my friends seem to prefer Lil’ Sip…) and I am beyond excited to be one of your orientation leaders this year. Firstly, congratulations on choosing QL— in my humble opinion, you have officially made one of the best decisions of your life!

Before we inevitably become best friends, you should probably know some basics about me: I’m from Barrie, Ontario (which is decidedly not a part of the GTA), I love all things country and Latin music-related, and I did my undergrad in environmental science at McMaster and thus can confirm that it is possible to learn how to write in time for law school exams. I’m also currently attending the Public International Law Program at the Castle (with this “Lee” fellow) but am so excited about orientation week that I’m considering returning in time for it.

I can’t wait to chat with you about all things QL (the good, the bad, and the smokers!). I just know you’re going to love it here.

Welcome to the family,


P.S. Sorry for this photo of me holding a plaque with my own name on it in Dublin and smiling deliriously in exhaustion. Unfortunately, I am this embarrassing in real life.

Lee Sykes


Hey, my name is Lee Sykes. I’m from Toronto and now on my *cough* 7th year at Queen’s, after doing my undergrad here in Politics as well. I found my orientation leaders to be a super helpful aid in adjusting to QL and Sarah and I are here to be same source of info and advice for you!

1L is a crazy mix of networking, going out, adjusting to Law School and figuring out what lies before you in your career. In all this, make sure to take care of your self and hangout with friends/Netflix. Orientation, on the other hand, is simply the best time to let loose, learn about your city/school, and meet life-long friends. See you soon!

Team 6: Sci-Fi

Haley Zerr

Version 2

Hi 1Ls! Hope you’re enjoying your summer because I am about to learn you a thing about law school because obviously being here one year makes me an expert in all things law! The biggest thing I learned this year is that I know nothing and that is perfectly the level of knowledge you need. You will be confused pretty much most of the time, including but not limited to: what is a case brief, why do I have to take ILS, what is the dress code, what is business casual, why am I here? As one of my professors told me you just have to sit in that confusion and work with it not against it. I hope you are as comforted with these words of wisdom as I was (which is that I was left more confused).

Seriously, this year you are about to start will be one of the most challenging, interesting, frustrating and by far the most rewarding. If you ever have moments where you doubt yourself or your abilities, don’t. One of the greatest comforts is knowing that everyone around you is feeling that same way, so my advice to you for orientation is to go to all the events, meet all these amazing people who are about to come into your life and change it for the better. Queen’s is a great school because of the people so I encourage you to surround yourself with these awesome individuals and have an open mind.

I’m really looking forward to meeting you all in September and welcome to Queen’s Law!

Tristan McLeod


Wa Gwan 1Ls!

My name is Tristan McLeod and I want to start by congratulating all of you on your acceptance to Queen’s Law. I’m originally from Mississauga and did my B.Com at McMaster. If there’s one thing you should know about me, it’s that I LOVE Star Wars. When I’m not nerding out over Star Wars, you can find me busting a move in the hallways, singing some Motown in the streets, and online shopping in class. I have been fortunate enough to travel much of the world, particularly this summer as I studied at the BISC with many of my QL friends. BISC is an amazing opportunity, and I am happy to chat about the program to anybody interested!

I’m super excited to meet all of you, and before I go, I want to leave you with a piece of advice that really helped make my first year of law an amazing year! To quote my girl Ms. Frizzle: Take Chances and Make Mistakes. I hate sounding like a fortune cooking, but the rewards from challenging yourself are so worth it. One of the biggest risks I took this year was learning Bollywood and Bhangra for the Queen’s Law Cancer Society Cabaret for a Cure and now I will be doing it again for the next two years. It doesn’t matter what you do, but take risks and push yourselves out of your zone of security.

Enjoy your last few months of freedom before your lives jump to lightspeed (rest A LOT). Looking forward to getting to know you all. May the Force Be With You

Team 7: Horror

Keegan Miller

Photo 1

Salutations Internet Strangers!

My name is Keegan and I’m from Mississauga, Ontario. Prior to QL I studied chemistry at the University of Guelph.

First off, congratulations and welcome to the Queen’s Law community! If there is one great tragedy in law school (spoiler alert: there’s more than one) it’s that you only get to go through orientation once. In short; don’t be anxious, get excited, and start counting down the days.

There’s a lot I’m excited to share with you but in the interest of brevity I’ll limit it to one piece of advice. During 1L time will move at an accelerated pace and it’ll be over before you know it. Don’t forget to sit back and consider the scope of things once in a while; the plethora of opportunities available to you, the truly incredible educators whom you’ll learn from, and the kind, friendly, and endlessly-talented individuals that are you colleagues and friends.

I look forward to being everyone’s second-favourite group leader and meeting you all in September.


Daniel Broadus


Hello 1Ls of the future! My name is Daniel. I’m from Mississauga, Ontario, and prior to coming to Queen’s Law I studied philosophy at Laurier.

Congratulations on choosing Queen’s! I want to help make O-Week one of the best of your year. Orientation was a big part of making my 1L year great, and I hope you’ll all have a similar experience. I know the Orientation Committee has a lot of great stuff planned for you.

Try to relax and not worry too much about what this year holds. A lot of you will meet some of your best friends on the first day of orientation, and while there will be good days and bad days, I hope you’ll look back on coming to QL as one of the best choices you’ve made.

I’m looking forward to meeting you!

Team 8: Sports

Diane Wu

Hey 1Ls! Congrats on choosing Queen’s Law! My name is Diane and I’m from Guelph, Ontario. I’m in the B.Comm/JD program and I’ve lived in the Kingston ghetto for four years and running.

When I’m not in the Learning Commons I love to run, binge watch Parks and Rec and I’m a huge fan of the cinnamon buns at Crave. My top tips for surviving 1L are:

(1) Venti Pikes at Starbucks (at least one a day to fuel your coffee addiction)

(2) Don’t be afraid to ask your upper years for help (or outlines – except Kevin’s, I wouldn’t trust those)

(3) Co-Gro bagels (I heard the top secret bagel is great)

(4) Take the time to destress (I highly recommend Stage Rage).

Can’t wait for orientation week and looking forward to meeting you all!

Kevin Lambie


Suh 2020

First and foremost, congrats on being accepted into the Queen’s Law community. You all worked hard to get here and made a great decision. If my first year was any indication, you’re going to have a blast. Queen’s communal atmosphere and educational environment is unparalleled.

My name is Kevin Lambie, more formally known as “Childish Klambino”. I was born and raised in Mississauga, Ontario. I studied commerce at Ryerson University, majoring in Law and Business. Also, I commuted so I’d be happy to share my experience to those transitioning from a commuter school.

This goes without say but Diane and I are responsible for familiarizing you with the ins and outs of QL, so don’t hesitate to reach out, including pre-Orientation Week and throughout the semester.

Enjoy the rest of your summer and I look forward to meeting you all in September!

Team 9: Superheroes

Andrew MacDonald


Hey Class of 2020, welcome to 1L at Queen’s Law!!  My name is Andrew MacDonald, I’m a PEIslander who—despite that beach life—can’t wait to get back to Kingston this September and meet all you awesome new lawyers in training!

I did my undergrad—a double major in English Lit and Economics—at a small liberal arts school in Fredericton, New Brunswick.  As such, the transition to Queen’s was a daunting one for me.  I was a total newbie to Ontario, and I found QL orientation an amazing opportunity to meet new friends and get to know Queen’s and Kingston.  That’s why I decided to become an orientation leader.  O-Week was such an important and influential time for me last year and I really want to help bring that experience to you!

Queen’s Law is going to be the best decision you’ve ever made, and O-week is how it all starts.  I can’t wait to meet you all shortly, as you take this first (and seriously CRAZY fun) step in your legal education!

Julia Martschenko


Hi Class of 2020, I am so stoked to meet you! My name is Julia Martschenko and I’m from Windsor, Ontario. Before law school I went to the University of Toronto where I double majored in Criminology and Ethics, Society, Law and minored in Bioethics.

I was a bit nervous moving from such a big city like Toronto to Kingston, but it was one of the best decisions that I have ever made. Kingston is such a beautiful and vibrant city, and the Queen’s Law community is unbeatable. There’s really nothing like having all of your best friends a 10-minute walk away!

When I’m not on trying to figure out a case from 1872, I’m usually watching friends, playing Pokémon go (yes I still play), or cooking. My biggest advice for 1L is to ask questions in class. If you have a question, so does everyone else in the room! Take advantage of the brilliant professors, they’re here for you.

Enjoy your summer and see you soon!

Team 10: Disney

Ban Ibrahim


Hey 1Ls, welcome to one of the most confusing and frustrating years ever! It’s actually still really fun though, I promise ^^

My name’s Ban (it’s like James Bond but without the ‘d’). I’m from Mississauga (please don’t say the 6 when referencing the GTA unless you’re saying it sarcastically…) and I did my undergrad at Ryerson in Journalism with a minor in Psychology. My talents include always knowing when there are events with free food happening and being a chronic outfit repeater. Moving to Kingston was a HUGE adjustment for me so I’ll gladly help you guys with the transition of being away from home and your support system.

My one piece of wisdom to all of you is that you really don’t know anything at all and that’s okay! First year at QL is somewhat similar to first year undergrad:

-You’re always confused by something

-You think you know how to take notes and study–you don’t

-Finding good food on campus is close to impossible (unless you went to Rye High)

-You need help but are too scared/embarrassed to ask

The QL community is overwhelmingly supportive and helpful that I promise you all of those things will be taken care of within the first few months. From tutors to upper year buddies to your lovely orientation leaders like *me*, your fears will be dispelled and your questions answered.

I can’t wait to meet you all and easily convince you that I’m better than Gurpal! Enjoy the rest of your summer and prepare for the best week ever 🙂

Gurpal Bopa Rai


Hey incoming 1L’s ! My name is Gurpal (pronounced Grrr- Paul) and i have the honour of being one (and probably the best) of the orientation leaders for the class of 2020.

I was born and raised in the GTA, but mainly Mississauga and unlike my less friendly counterpart (Ban, which is actually pronounced as it looks as in ban: to forbid something) it’s referred to as the 6 and i’ll you guys to refer to as that.

I did my undergrad in Health Sciences at Wilfrid Laurier, so the dream was originally to become a doctor but I settled for Law school, so I’m basically in law school cause I don’t know what else to do with my life. My interests include sports, sports and more sports. If you can throw and catch a ball, I won’t single you out and outcast you from the group. So start practicing now.

I’m not going to lie to you guys and tell you everything will be alright, cause it won’t. 1L is going to be the most stressful and annoying year of law school but luckily you guys will have an amazing support system to help you through the difficult times. I will gladly do my part because I was lucky enough to have some really helpful upper years guide me through the process and let me know when I was overreacting and taking stuff wayyyyyy too seriously.

Any of you who have the privilege of having me and Ban as your two orientation leaders are going to have the best start to 1L (sucks for everyone else, especially if you’re paired with someone called Adam Fishman, aka the guy who always smells like fish, hence the name fishman). Ban and I will officially become your guardians come orientation week and it won’t take long for you guys to see who the better parent is. That’s all for now. Have a great summer and PLEASE do not start stressing just yet, you have all of 1L to do that.

Team 11: Musicals

Vivian Hua


Helloooo 1Ls – my name is Vivian! I’m an incoming 2L with a lot of Queen’s pride and am currently studying at the Castle in the Public International Law program! I am very excited to meet you all in September!
I finished my undergraduate in Political Studies here at Queen’s University, and after taking some time to do my MA at U of T, I came back to Kingston for law school because I missed Stage Rage so much.
My hobbies include reading the law, petting dogs, and mergers and acquisitions. Nothing brings me more joy than drafting a solid contract!!
I hope you’re all super excited to come to Queen’s in the fall – having chosen this school twice now, I can say it’s truly been the best choice I’ve ever made.

Chris Manderville


Hey 1Ls! My name is Chris and I’m so excited to be an orientation leader this year! I’m sure you guys are both excited and nervous about starting law school. Don’t worry, I was the same this time last year. Let me just say that you guys are in for some of the best years of your life!

If I could give just a bit of advice to help you survive first year it’s this: stay balanced. There’s a lot of work at law school, but don’t burn yourself out. Go to smokers for example.

Anyway can’t wait to meet you all and hope you enjoy your orientation week (and first year) as much as I did.

Team 12: Iconic 90’s

Russell Durward

Hi 1Ls!! My name is Russell and I am from Pickering, a small city in the East GTA. I did a Classics degree at UofT, with an exchange to St. Andrews University.
Congratulations to all of you for making it! The hardest part is done, but I won’t lie there is still hard work to come. It is my privilege and honour to be able to make you forget about all that work a week of fun, joy, sweat and tears.
If I had one piece of advice to give, find your rhythm. There is no pressure to get it quick, I sure didn’t, but it really helps when you find it. When you know how much work you can do without sleep, how you best learn and write, everything else falls into place and makes life that much better.
See you in September!!

Hisham Imtiaz

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Hi 1Ls! My name is Hisham, an incoming 2L, and I would like to congratulate all of you on your acceptance to Queen’s Law!  As for a bit of background on myself, I currently live in Richmond Hill, but called Brampton my home for most of my life, and did my undergrad at the University of Toronto where I studied criminology and sociology. I can’t wait to see all of you come orientation week where the team and I will provide plenty of fun and plenty of bangers to add to your playlists. Many of the leaders on this team most likely used this space to provide helpful advice, my advice is to listen to them! Law school can come at you fast, but remember to enjoy the ride. You worked hard to get here and you should take time to appreciate this when you can (of course those readings will need to be done eventually). Queen’s Law is a fantastic program with fantastic people and my time has been filled with memorable experiences from the word go and I hope it provides you the same. Congrats again on your admission and I can’t wait to see you all soon!

Team 13: Spy Movies

Liam McMunagle


Hellooooo Class of 2020! Congratulations on your acceptance to Queen’s Law and welcome to the family! If you’re reading this, it’s because you’re about to jump into the wild world of law school head first, and let me tell you, it’s going to be amazing. My name is Liam McMunagle, I was born in Ottawa and studied Philosophy at UofT St. George, I love to cook, listen to hip-hop and potato. As one of your orientation leaders, I am here to welcome you into the fold, help ease your transition into life at law school and be a contact throughout your time here at Queen’s. Until then, if you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach me at Cheers!

Kanwar Dhaliwal

Kanwar Orientation Pic

Hey class of 2020, welcome to Queen’s Law! 

My name is Kanwar Dhaliwal and I am one of the orientation leaders for what is surely going to be one of the most memorable weeks of your time at QL. Originally, I am from Mississauga, Ontario but Kingston has now become my second home (as it soon will for you as well). I did a Bsc. in Life Science from McMaster University, then spent a couple of years doing research before life somehow brought me to the doorstep of McDonald Hall and Queen’s Law.

Regardless of where you are from, what you studied, or why you decided to pursue law, the most important fact is that you are here now. This automatically makes you a part of the QL family and I cannot wait to meet each and every one of you. The next three years of your life are going to be incredible. You’ll make new friends, share fun experiences, and create memories that will last a lifetime. Let’s kick off this incredible journey with O-week 2017…see you all there! 

Team 14: Netflix Originals

Colby Harris


Hey everyone! My name’s Colby, I’m a 2L from Vancouver and did my undergrad at UBC. I’m stoked to be an orientation leader this year because I strongly dislike everyone in my class and need to meet better people. 

(Just kidding, QL’s actually pretty sweet and the people are decidedly above-average).

 As the proud owner of a Bachelor of Arts degree, I’m full of subjectively good advice and love hearing myself talk, so feel free to come to me with questions about anything not requiring expert knowledge. Otherwise, I’m looking forward to seeing you all in Kingston soon –  Orientation’s going to be a blast, so I hope you’re all ready for a great week and an even better year! 

Lauren Peacock


Welcome to QL! My name is Lauren and I’ll be your Upper Year Buddy Program Coordinator as well as a member of the Core! One of my closest friends at QL was in my orientation group and I’m looking forward to being part of making your orientation experience the best it can possibly be!

A little about me: I grew up in Welland, a small city in the Niagara Region. I did my undergrad at McMaster and graduated with an Honours B. Comm (after 6 short years… lol). I have two obsessions: Willow, my adorable 1.5 yr old America Eskimo (who has helped keep me sane during my time at Queen’s Law) and watching far too much Netflix (when I should be studying of course). I hope you all have a relaxing and enjoyable summer and I’ll see you in September!